Please call us if you have any questions about our admissions policy. We are here to help.
Admission to our Preschool and PreKindergarten program - Every child must be potty-trained.
Admission tests in math and reading will be administered to students beginning in grade 1.
In order to
be accepted into Southport Christian School at the intended grade level, a student must:
• score no lower than six months below their entering grade on math and reading entrance tests.
• demonstration of oral reading and comprehension commensurate with grade level.
• show evidence of passing their last grade in their previous school, as well as achieving a passing
year-end grade in the areas of math and
language arts.
• attend, with parents or legal guardian, an entrance interview with a representative of Southport
Christian School. During the interview, the
family's Christian experience and commitment, attitudes
toward authority, willingness to submit to Biblical discipline, personal goals, and
scholastic records
will be discussed.
As attendance at SCS is a privilege and not a right, all students are accepted on a 30 day trial basis.
The school reserves the right to dismiss any student who does not cooperate with the educational
process or whose tuition has become delinquent for 45 days.